PageSpinner is an HTML Editor for Macintosh. It supports both HTML 2.0, parts of HTML 3.0 and 3.2 plus additional Netscape extensions and is useful for both the beginner and the more advanced web author. It gives you quick access to often used formatting and also supports AppleGuide and an HTML Assistant that helps you compose your HTML pages.
Version: 1.2.2 November 11, 1996.
Check out PageSpinner's home site at:
for the latest information about the PageSpinner.
Installation notes
You should not move anything that is located inside the PageSpinner folder to another place on your disk. Create aliases to the application and the files instead.
To use the PageSpinner Guide it needs to be located in the same folder as the application. It should be available in the Help menu if you are running System 7.5 or later and have the AppleGuide extension installed. You do not need to move the file PageSpinner Guide to the System folder.
Copyright, Shareware and Distribution Info
PageSpinner is shareware. You are permitted to use the application on a trial basis for up to 30 days. If you wish to continue using the product beyond that period, you must register by paying a fee of $25.00 in U.S. currency or remove it from your computer storage medium. This fee entitles you to a single user license of versions of PageSpinner up to and including 2.0.
You can also purchase a site or a world wide license for you organization. A site license covers a single organization for an area of up to 100 mile (160 kilometers) in radius and costs US$1500. A world wide license covers everyone in a single organization and costs US$5000.
Schools and universities can purchase 20 user licenses for US$350. Additional educational licenses costs US$18/license, to pay for these you should add the amount for the additional licenses in the Bonus field in the Register application. Specify the total numbers of licenses in the comment field.
We also have educational site and world wide licenses available. A site license covers a single educational organization for an area of up to 100 mile (160 kilometers) in radius and costs US$1000. A world wide license covers everyone in a single educational organization and costs US$3500.
After your registration has been processed you will receive a registration code via Email from Optima System. You will also receive a GIF Public Domain Clip Art Collection. Se below how to register.
Permission is hereby granted for non-commercial distribution of unmodified copies of this software, so long as this documentation is included. For permission about including this software on compilation disks or CD-ROMs, please contact the author.
Minimum CPU: 68020 (68040 or PowerPC recommended when editing large files)
Color or Grayscale capable Monitor, 640 x 400 pixels or larger.
MacOS version 7.5 recommended for use of AppleGuide and Drag and Drop.
Some of the features
• Uses size, style and colors to highlight the different tag contents
• Drag and drop text editing in multiple windows
• Handles text files larger than 32K
• Supports the ISO 8859-1 character set, so you don't need to use ISO Latin-1 Tags when typing characters with ASCII codes over 127
• WorldScript-compliant, supports e.g., Japanese 2-byte characters.
• Interactive help with AppleGuide
• Gives you help in creating several different types of pages from scratch
• Includes many examples on how to make different kinds of HTML pages
• Uses a flexible non modal HTML Assistant Window instead of modal dialogs
• Extensive Balloon Help for all options in HTML Assistant to help you learn and handle the more complicated tags and options
• Select text, background and link colors using a Web-compatible 216 colors palette.
• You can also pick up a color value from a picture in the clipboard
• Clearly marks HTML 3.0, HTML 3.2, Netscape and Internet Explorer tags using icons
• Send your page to Netscape or other browsers for previewing with a single click
• Pop up menu gives quick access to paste links from Netscape bookmarks or other bookmark files
• Easy launch of GIF-, Text-, and RTF-converters and other tools that helps you compose and maintain your HTML pages
• Easy launch of Netscape, Mosaic, MacWeb, Anarchie, Fetch, Eudora and other Internet applications that helps you access the Web
• Stationery aware
How to Register
I am using the registration service Kagi run by Kee Nethery <>. The big advantage for you is that you can pay the shareware fee with your credit card (VISA, MasterCard and American Express) via FAX or Email. This also makes it easier for people in countries other than Sweden, since the currency conversions are handled automatically.
To register PageSpinner, use the Register program that comes with the PageSpinner distribution. Send the form together with your payment to:
1442-A Walnut Street #392-PL
Berkeley, California, 94709-1405
For credit card payments, send the form via Email to <> or by FAX to +1 510 652 6589. Checks should be made out to “Kagi” and should be in US dollars.
You can also register on the Web, using the Kagi Online Order Process system. Go to the Registration page available at PageSpinner's home page: <>
All comments about the program should be sent direct to me via Email to <>. You can also contact me if you want information about site, world wide and bundle licensing.
Please always include an Email address to which I can send your registration code.
Alternative registration method in Sweden (Swedish text only)
I Sverige går det dessutom att registrera PageSpinner genom att betala in avgiften på 175:- inkl moms/enanvändarlicens på Optima Systems postgiro: 458 80 14 - 3. Vid betalning till postgirot från övriga skandiviska länder är priset 210:- SEK/licens pga växelavgifter. Specificerat kvitto kan endast erhållas vid betalning till Kagi (se ovan).
Priset inkl moms är 175 kr per enanvändarlicens. Optima System innehar F-skattebevis. Ange alltid att betalningen gäller PageSpinner, versionsnr, ditt namn, adress och den epost-address till vilken registreringskoden ska skickas. Kontakta Optima System om ni önskar en licens för hela ert företag eller organisation.
Om ni beställer 2 eller fler licenser kan ni erhålla en faktura genom att skicka epost till <> och ange namn, adress och kontaktperson för det företag som fakturan ska skickas till. Jag skickar då en faktura på 175:- / licens snarast möjligt. Ni erhåller registreringskoder via epost när fakturan är betald.
Contact Information
The PageSpinner Home Page can be found at:
I hope you will enjoy using PageSpinner. Please send questions, comments, bug reports and suggestions via Email to me at <> or <>.